Sunday, November 20, 2016

Self-expression and Self-love

When I was a child, I loved myself. I was by no means shy or shameful or indecisive. I was firm about who I was and what I wanted. I was passionate, I was a dreamer, I had a soul that could not be sated. Now, I was also a brat. I was unruly and sometimes rude, but even those things I had trouble discrediting when my mother told me I shouldn’t be them, because they were part of me and I loved me.  

I was free to love myself because no one had yet told me loving myself was wrong. No one had yet shattered the passion and the dreams. No one had told me that I wasn’t enough.

Over time, I experienced comments and conversations with friends, family, strangers—those who were well-meaning, misguided, or cruel—about my body, my intellect, my talents, my potential, and my personhood:

“You’re so fat!”
“If you gain more weight, I won’t be your friend.”
“You’ll never be a singer.”
“You don’t have what it takes to be a writer.”
“You’re too ambitious.”
“Going to college is too risky.”
“You’re too emotional.”
“You’re inconsiderate of other’s needs.”
“No one wants to around someone who’s bitter and depressed.”

It was amazing how I was either “too much” or “not enough”.

The list goes on. I fought these messages of inferiority and insignificance. But at some point, I broke.  I invited these lies in. I stripped myself of my confidence and my surety. My heart, which I had delightedly worn on my sleeve became battered and bruised. I tucked it away back into my chest and built defensive walls. My heart no longer beat with passion, but with fear.  

I believe my Christian upbringing also played a part in this emotional retreat. Whether this message was taught to me explicitly, or it was something I inferred, I genuinely believed that I didn’t matter. Other’s needs and wants were always more important than mine. I heard every week how sinful I was and how horrible humanity is. I read Matthew 22:39 as “Love your neighbor, not yourself.”

(Now, before anyone freaks out, I have not abandoned my faith. I love Jesus. I love being a Christian. I love the church. And yes, Matthew 22:38 is more important than Matthew 22:39. But the church messes up sometimes. Sorry.)

And you know what I’ve noticed? For me, there is a direct correlation between self-love and self-expression. The first time I stepped on stage to perform, there was no fear. I was four years old. I took my small, non-speaking role incredibly seriously. After that first play, I knew that I was an artist and I would work hard for my art. This was how acting was for me for the majority of my childhood and a good part of my teenage years.

This makes sense, doesn’t it? Because I loved myself, and I loved being me I had no problem sharing myself and expressing myself through the arts.

Now I’m here. Over the last few years, I have struggled intensely with self-hatred. I have apologized to people for things I didn’t need to out of fear that they would be angry with me and hate me as much as I hated myself, I have lectured myself over actions which were simple mistakes, not heinous crimes, I have taken my attributes and tried to stuff them in a suppressed box because they were so abhorrent to me.

Now, I am afraid to act. I am afraid to sing. I am afraid to engage with people and form relationships. I am afraid to express my opinions.  I am afraid to express myself. How can I express myself, when I hate myself? Why should I express and share myself when the person I am is so unworthy?

These are the lies I fight consistently. Maybe you fight them too. It is a worthy fight, because God desires for us to be whole. He desires for us to enjoy Him, to enjoy ourselves (He sure does), and to enjoy others.

I don’t have the answers. I am not there yet. I don’t completely love myself. I still fall into self-destructing patterns. I find artistic expression daunting and exhausting. Who knows if I will ever again be able to act with the true self-abandon I experienced as a child. But I am working on bring down those walls around my heart. Because self-expression is beautiful and powerful. It is necessary. So is self-love.

“Love your neighbor AS yourself.”

I promise to fight to love myself. And I promise to fight to love you too.